What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

Hair loss happens to women.

It just does. No matter how much we deny it or hope it won't happen, hair loss will affect nearly 30% of women sometime in their lives. Thankfully, the formerly male-centric hair restoration industry has taken notice and created some incredible hair restoration options specifically for women. We've chosen an array of product lines for their quality, comfort, natural appearance, and their effectiveness in hiding hair loss.

Finding the cause is our top priority.

If your hair has started to thin or shed, take a deep breath. You are definitely not alone. There are steps you can take to minimize your hair loss or even to restore your hair in the case of permanent loss. The first and most important step for women noticing hair loss is to identify what's causing it. Men have it easy because nearly all of them lose at least some of their hair, and 90% of the time it's for the same harmless reason. That's not the case for women.

Women's hair loss has more diverse causes than men's.

Much of the hair loss seen in women is actually due to androgenetic alopecia, the same genetic condition that causes male pattern baldness. However, it's a bad idea for a woman to assume that this is the reason for her hair loss. A great number of other conditions can interrupt a woman's hair growth, and some of them should be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.

Women's hair loss causes include:

  • Several forms of alopecia, including total hair loss and hair loss over the entire body
  • Medical treatments and prescription drugs
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Stress or trauma
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Compulsive hair pulling

The only way to ensure a safe and effective solution to your hair loss is to definitively determine its cause. Some of these causes are actually reversible and will get better with treatment of the underlying condition. For the ones that aren't, we can help you find the best way to maintain your hair over the long term.

We are your local Recover with Confidence resource.

As a Recover with Confidence partner, we help women plan for and navigate the hair loss that comes with medical treatments, most commonly chemotherapy. This program is distinctive because it not only connects women with high-quality hair restoration options; it also ensures that the unique circumstances that accompany this type of hair loss are addressed in the best possible way. To find out more about Recover with Confidence at Images International, visit our wigs and Recover with Confidence pages.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Images International offers a FREE & fully confidential hair and scalp evaluation. Come in to Images International to find out your hair’s potential to look great.

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  • I have been coming in for laser hair treatment for about 6 months now & I am already seeing improvements in the health of my hair. I have gotten compliments recently about the fullness, texture & shine of my hair. My hairdresser also told me that my hair looks & feels so much better than before I started the laser hair treatments. I am doing the more natural & organic approach so the results are slower but I still see new hair growth. I really look forward to seeing my results because they show you all these details about the hair that I never knew before & show you how far you've come. The laser hair treatment is for a dedicated person because you have to come in two times a week for the improvements to start happening. I currently have hair extensions but hope that at the end of the laser treatments I will be able to take them out & be comfortable with my own natural hair. The staff is also so welcoming & understanding of the situations because hair loss is a sensitive topic. I really enjoy talking with the staff about any questions I have & can't wait to see them every time I come in.


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