Hair Growth Vitamins

We're delighted to offer pure vegan vitamin supplements to support our other hair restoration options. Our first health-enriching, hair-loss-fighting supplement is Biotin. Deficiencies of this water-soluble B Vitamin can contribute to hair loss, especially during pregnancy, and supplementation makes for healthier skin, hair, and nails.

At Images International, we're very interested in giving our clients as many effective hair restoration options as possible. Often our clients are concerned and carefully monitoring what they put into, on, or near their bodies. Sometimes medical preferences or philosophical differences can rule out options for treating hair loss that might be very effective. In an effort to provide more natural and environmentally conscious alternatives, we decided to add vitamin treatments to our array of potential solutions.

Our first offering is Biotin.

Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that improves cell metabolism and strengthens the hair and nails. We have chosen Pure Encapsulation as the sole provider of our Biotin supplements because they are very pure, safe, and free of allergens and animal products. The capsules are formulated from vegetables and contain only biotin and hypoallergenic plant fiber.

A Natural Preventative

Biotin has not been clinically proven to control hair loss. However, its deficiency leads to hair loss and its supplementation improves the health of the hair. It's a harmless, inexpensive way to supplement your hair restoration efforts that has no side effects. In fact, Biotin is great for your body in many ways, has no side effects and very few drug interactions, and is a water-soluble vitamin.

Biotin, Pregnancy & Hair Loss

Any shock to your system can cause hair loss, and it's certainly true of pregnancy. It's common for pregnancy to cause some degree of hair loss related to hormones, nutrition, or even shock. On top of that, many women develop a Biotin deficiency over the course of a pregnancy. Biotin is important in hair growth on a cellular level because the cells need it in order to metabolize nutrients. Biotin deficiency is a key factor in alopecia and has been proven to cause hair loss.

You should never start a supplement regimen without first consulting a medical professional. We recommend that you visit Images International for your free assessment, find out if our hair growth vitamins look like a good option for managing your hair loss, and then follow up with your physician to ensure it's the best choice for you.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Images International offers a FREE & fully confidential hair and scalp evaluation. Come in to Images International to find out your hair’s potential to look great.

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  • I've been a client of Images Internat"l for a little over 15 years and have seen significant growth, especially since the arrival of the new ownership team. The new offices are well done with rich dark hardwood tones giving a very impressive spa like appearance and feel. 'I'm a black client whose found his niche in the professionalism and attention to focused care for each client. I also appreciate the diversity in staff that meshes well with the diverse clientele. I've met the new owner who confided in me that she, herself, is a client (how about that)! I have on-going dialogue with the on-site manager who has lent a willing ear to my concerns and has been equally as compliant in addressing them by introducing the latest techniques and the issues of hair loss problems for both men and women. My hair design system is just fantastic. I am so comfortable with my hair system because it is undetectable, the hair curl fits me and is not a stock version for "black " clients, and because the feedback that I receive when out and about tells me that a great job has been done. From the receptionist's greeting received when entering Images to the care and attention given by the stylists, to the personal interaction with owner/management/staff, Images International is just the right place for me to be.

    -Taswell D

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